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Physics Unit 1 | Energy and Energy Transfers

1|Changes in Energy Stores

A lesson that covers the different energy stores, and the changes that are associated with different everyday objects.

2|Energy Transfers and Changes

This lesson covers the energy transfers that happen in a range of different situations, including the conservation of energy.

3|Thermal Conductivity

This lessons covers the required practical on the factors that affect the thermal insulation of a material.

4|​Thermal Conductivity of Metals

A continuation from lesson 3, looking at conductivity of metals. This also looks at why metals are better conductors than non-metals.

6|Energy Stored in a Spring

This lesson introduces the energy stored in a spring equation, with a number of opportunities to practice and self assess.

5|Hooke's Law

This lessons covers the fundamentals of Hooke's law, with the required practical covered in detail for students to analyse.

8|​Power and Energy

Here, students will be introduced to the equation that links power and energy together, and look at the differences between them.

7|Energy Stored Calculation Practice

This lesson covers both the force-extension equation, and the energy stored equation for students to practice.


This lesson covers the mathematical skill behind finding the efficiency and recapping useful and waste energy.

Unit 1|Assessment

A Higher and Foundation assessment that looks at students understanding of the lessons covered within this unit.

Unit 1|Revision Guide

A concise guide of all of the content that has been covered in this module, with practice questions and success criteria.

Unit 1|Bundle

Like what you see? All of the resources on this page can be found in a neat bundle, for a discounted price.

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